The Good Food and Wine Show is Australia’s premier event for food and wine experiences, bringing together the best in local and international culinary delights. From Margaret River to the Barossa, the GFWS showcases exciting products, live cooking demonstrations by top chefs, and interactive experiences where attendees sip, sample, and shop.
In 2024, GFWS sought to elevate brand awareness, boost engagement, and drive record ticket sales across multiple cities. The campaign needed to reach a broad yet targeted audience, attracting new customers and reminding loyal attendees while supporting conversion-driven digital efforts. That’s where we came in!
To achieve these ambitious goals, we employed a highly effective omnichannel advertising approach that maximised reach, engagement, and impact. As a result, the Good Food and Wine Show achieved record-breaking ticket sales across all markets, solidifying its position as a must-attend event for food lovers nationwide.
Or as Marnie Nichols, Group Marketing Manager put it, ‘You have all been a pleasure and delight to work with and have produced outstanding campaigns for us this year … You are a gift to the world of marketers, and I look forward to working with you again in 2025.’
here’s how we did it!
- Out-of-Home (OOH): Strategic placements, including billboards and rail station ads in high-traffic areas, created broad awareness and reinforced the festival’s presence.
- Radio Partnerships: Collaborating with Nova and Smooth FM across cities, the campaign reached listeners during peak hours, amplifying festival buzz.
- Programmatic Advertising: Using data-driven targeting, we delivered display, native, and video ads to high-intent consumers, ensuring efficient ad placement across the digital landscape.
- Localised Digital Campaigns “What’s On Brisbane”: Hyper-localised ads, social media promotions, e-newsletters, and a radio partnership effectively engaged Brisbane audiences, driving awareness and attendance.
This comprehensive strategy supported top-of-funnel awareness and mid-to-bottom funnel performance marketing led by the festival’s agency.
- Record-Breaking Ticket Sales: across all four events in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth and Brisbane highlight the power and effectiveness of an omnichannel media strategy.
- Massive Reach: Over 9.6 million combined reach with a 5.9x frequency.
- High Impact: Total ATL campaign media impressions of over 9.4 million
key takeaways
The record-breaking success of the 2024 Good Food and Wine Festival highlights the power of a carefully orchestrated omnichannel approach. By leveraging a mix of OOH, radio, programmatic, and localised digital publications, GFWS not only achieved its ambitious ticket sales goals but also reinforced its brand as Australia’s favourite food and wine event.